Today the news came out that Evgenya Redko was forced to withrdaw from Pabandom Iš Naujo semi-final 2. She is supposedly suffering from a spinal Hernia.
She got the Hernia following rehearsals in mid-January. Not for the Lithuanian selection, but for the M.A.M.A. award show which is basically a Lithuanian Grammy show. Evgenya entered the competition with her song “Far”:
She had reached a 4th place in her heat and was supposed to compete this weekend in the second semi final of the competition. Last year, after Monika Marija’s withdrawal with her song “Criminal” she was replaced. This time around there seem to be no replacement, more chances for the remaining participants I guess…It is sad news of course, you never wish to see a participant having to pull out of a contest with an injury.
What do #YOU think about this news? Was she one of your favourites and would shhe have qualified? Share your thoughts with us on our forum HERE or join the discussion below and on social media!