
The 9th edition of Eesti Laul in Estonia started last Saturday and Semi-Final 2 will continue next Saturday with the final is scheduled for the 4th March 2017. Rasmus Randvee is one of the participants and he found time to talk to us today.

Hello Rasmus Rändvee,

First of all thank you for your time talking to us. How are you ? Can you introduce yourselves ? What can you tell us about yourself?

 First of all, very nice to meet you all. My name is Rasmus Rändvee and I am writing to from an Eastern European country that tries it’s best to look as European and Nordic as possible – a lovely minuscule country called Estonia. I am a passionate singer and songwriter, playing my own little role in our small country’s music scene for a few years by now. I entered the “big game” after winning the Estonian idol show at the age of 16 and it’s been quite a rollercoaster after that.

 This is your second time at Eesti Laul. How was the experience the first time?

 It was definitely fun – that much I can tell you. We – my band Facelift Deer and I – were only 17 years old, struggling daily to earn our highschool degree and balancing between the lunacy of being famous and schoollife. Looking back on the contest I even feel a bit nostalgic as our attitude towards life was purely honest and even a teeny-tiny bit naive. Ok. Maybe more than just “teeny-tiny” bit. The lyrics of the song described the contents of my guitarist’s little brother’s playroom, which launched us into media speculation, if we were using drugs as a means of inspiration due to the overwhelming randomness of the lyrics. Still all in all, looking back I’m very happy that I had a chance to experience this at a very young age.

 Your song that you will be presenting for the Eesti Laul is “This Love”. What can you tell us about the song? How do you compare it will “Dance”?

The songs tells a story about the complex nature of love, but it’s not the average “love song”. It’s rather something you tell your mates after your wife has kicked you out of your house and you complain to them about the mysterious nature of women and relationships over a pint of beer.

Compared to the song “Dance” it’s definitely a bit more “grown up” and refined. Most importantly, it brings me to the stage as a solo artist, which is a first for me.

 What was the inspiration for the song, and did you write it specifically for Eesti Laul and Eurovision?

I think I already covered that a bit in the previous question. The inspiration for writing music comes from everywhere. I did not write this song to enter the Eesti Laul contest, but it’s a great way to gain new audience for your music.

What is your impression of the Eurovision Song Contest in general? Do you watch it every year? What is your favourite entry?

Eurovision has been changing rapidly over the last 20 years – the orchestra is gone and it’s changing ever further and bigger with every years show. I have been watching it almost every year since my early childhood. My relationship with the Eurovisions has grown a lot stronger and personal after taking part of the Eesti Laul and having the honor of being part of the jury. 

Back in the day my family would always gather around the television to watch the eurovision contest, so it means a great deal to take part of the competition only a few years later. As a huge fan of a French icon and arch provocateur Serge Gainsbourg, my all time favorite song is definitely Poupée de Cire, Poupée de Son by France Gall. Also, I was completely baffled and carried away Sanna Nielsens vocal peformance representing Sweden in 2014.

I think Eurovision has also done a lot of growing up over the last 5 years. The music is getting better and better and the shows bigger with every year. I wasn’t a fan of balcanish Eurovison eurotrance genre, which dominated the Eurovision in the 2000s. So now I am sincerely happy seeing that genre gradually disappearing.

Apart from the Eurovision Song Contest , where would you dream to do a performance?

 In every single one of the 196 countries in the world.

 Do you think performing at the Eurovision Song Contest will have a positive impact on your career?

Well it would have a rather huge impact on my career and I would give my absolute best, to gain the most of it.

Can you tell us about your first experience with music?            

 I have been singing since the age of three, when I attended a small children “boyband”. I was the one with the loudest of the bunch, or so they say. So you can say, that music has been my life – quite literally.

 How do you describe your music to people?

 Oh, that’s a hard question. Well I usually let my music speak for myself. Search up Rasmus Rändvee – “This love” and I think it will say more, than I ever could with words.

 What is a typical day like for you?

 I am still attending university, so it’s a mix between music and school. For a year or so I have been working on my songwriting skills 45 hours a week.


You can listen to Rasmus’s entry This Love on this link below




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