Every week all songs selected either via NF or internal selection for the Eurovision Song Contest 2013 are up for a vote and our members give points to their favorite songs. At the end of the week the host will tally up the points and post the results. This is Week 13 and all 39 songs are present!

Here are the results:






And we have a new leader. For the first time San Marino is taking the lead pushing Denmark into second place. Over the past few weeks Valentina Monetta has been gaining a lot of momentum and now finds herself ahead of the rest of the pack. Romania is the biggest grower of the week climbing an impressive 9 spots and sits pretty in 25th place. Not quite so impressive was the outcome for Cyprus dropping significantly ending up in second to last  falling 13 spots. Belgium continues to occupy the last spot.

The scores are now being reset and you can once again vote for your favorite songs Eurovision style and this time all songs are in the running as Italy has joined the party.

If you are interested taking part in this game, please make sure to check our rules and find out how to become eligible by clicking HERE

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