
Slovenia will once again pick their representative via Evrovizijska Melodija – EMA. One of the sixteen acts that will compete is Marina Martensson. We had a little chat with her and here is what she had to say.

Can you tell us who is Marina in just two sentences?

– I am a voice with a fiery heart. Music is my religion.

When and why did you decide to apply for EMA?  

– Everything happened because of a reason I believe, when my dear friend Miha Koren introduced his new song “Blizu” to me. Me and the melody and lyrics felt in love the second we collided, one thing led to another and now we will announce our marriage in EMA 2018. It feels really good! 😉

What can you tell us about your EMA song?

– It’s not a typical EMA song I think, therefore we are even more happier that it got chosen in the selection. It’s a serious ballad with a major impression and hopefulness, with its beautiful lyrics written by Vanja Papež. Lyrics are in Slovene, my mother’s native language, my third.

What is your first Eurovision memory?

– In Sweden Eurovision is huge and it is an amazing event every year. Although I have to be honest and say I’ve never been much involved. I was sitting in my room listening to jazz and soul instead.

Your favorite Eurovision song? 

– Euphoria by Loreen, winner from 2012. But Salvador Sobral, this years winner from Portugal, made a revolution in Eurovision with his song Amar Pelos Dois. He is a big reason to why an artist like me wants to enter Eurovision actually.

What is a typical day like for you?

– I wake up by my favorite song, I warm up my voice in the shower, I have my breakfast and then I’m off to my rehearsal studio where I practice, write music, teach singing, and if it’s a good day I also have a gig with my band in the evening.

Would you be so kind to tell us something interesting about yourself, something that isn’t widely known?

– I was born in Sweden in 1987, by a Slovene mother and Swedish father. When I was 26 years old I went to Slovenia to learn Slovene, and my music career took of here, and I met the love of my life, so I stayed in sLOVEnia! And now I will finally sing in Slovene.

Do you have any message for Eurovision fans all around the world?

– I really hope you will all like my song and that we will meet in your country soon!

Check out Marina’s cover of Britney Spears’ Toxic.

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