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Interview with Jaz, creator of Eurovision blog “Eurovision by Jaz”

Zack: We at ESC United love to network with other Eurovision websites and blogs.  With all the great contacts people have out there, why not network?! One of my personal favorite blogs that I follow on Facebook is from Jaz in Australia. Eurovision by Jaz provides some nice thoughtful editorials on the Eurovision scene.  And much to my delight, I had …

Interview with Vasco Cardoso, Ruben Pacheco, and Michael James Down, co-writers of Moldova National Selection entry “A Brighter Day” by Tatiana Heghea

ZACK:  I say shame-free that if there is one country I’m always excited about, it’s MOLDOVA!  They always bring a fun quirky number to the Eurovision stage.   So when the 24 entries were announced for the 2013 Moldova national selection, I was excited to see some familiar names, particularly Tatiana Heghea, who was one of the back-up singers for …

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