Home Countries Ukraine (page 33)


JESC: 3 Weeks To Go!

This time in three weeks we will be watching the 13th Junior Eurovision Song Contest, broadcast live from Sofia, Bulgaria. 17 countries will take to the stage in hope of gaining the title of 2015 Junior Eurovision winner. Out of the 17 songs that will participate, we know 16 of them. We are only waiting for the newcomers, Ireland, to …

Verka Serduchka discusses “Spy” and new EP

The famous Ukrainian drag Queen Verka Serduchka was interviewed by DigitalJournal discussing her cameo in the Movie “Spy”, the new EP as well as her participation at the Eurovision Song contest 2007 in Helsinki, Finland. Verka appeared in “Spy” alongside Melissa McCarthy, Jason Statham and Jude Law. “When we agreed to participate in the movie it was like that: I knew nothing …

JESC: Ukraine Preparations Underway

Today was the deadline for the submissions for the Ukrainian national Final for the 2015 Junior Eurovision Song Contest. The process is underway to select the successor of Sympho-Nick who represented Ukraine in Malta for last year’s contest. The submission deadline has passed and the auditions will take place tomorrow. The potential Ukrainian representatives will take to the audition room and …

JESC: 16 Countries To Participate

After a number of months speculation it appears that the 2014 Junior Eurovision Song Contest will consist of a total or 16 participating countries. Armenia Belarus Bulgaria (Return) Croatia (Return) Cyprus (Return) Georgia Italy (Debut) Malta Montenegro (Debut) Russia San Marino Serbia (Return) Slovenia (Debut) Sweden Netherlands Ukraine Meaning that unless there are some last minute changes to be made, …

Ukraine: NTU offered a lifeline?

It is now common knowledge that the troubled nation of Ukraine recently made the decision to sit out next year’s Eurovision, with even major news sites such as the BBC reporting on the news. However, it appears that there might indeed be hope after all, and it comes in the form of someone who has helped Ukraine before! Timofey Nagorny, …

Ukraine withdraws from Eurovision 2015

Ukraine is withdrawing from the Eurovision Song Contest 2015 to be held in Vienna, Austria. The announcement was made on NTU’s website and is sending shock waves across the Eurovision community. The reason for withdrawal is financial and political instability. military aggression from the East as well as the annexation of Crimea by Russia earlier which took place a few …

JESC: Sympho-Nick To Represent Ukraine

Tonight saw the Ukrainian National Selection come to an end, after all songs were performed, the jury votes and teh televotes were combined, to determine the winning song which will represent Ukraine in Malta on November 15th. The winning song is entitled ‘Pryiydch Vesna’, and wis peformed by trio, Sympho-Nick. [vsw id=”g_7RFAeB-L4″ source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”] Ukraine will be attempting …

JESC: NTU Announces the Jury

The Ukrainian National Final is just two days away, and today it has been announced by the national broadcaster, the names of the five jury members which will compile their votes and make up 50% of the result in Saturday night’s final. The jury will consist of music and TV personalities: Gaia Cauchi (Junior Eurovision 2013 winner) Eldar Gasimov (Eurovision …

JESC: Polina Ryzhak Disqualified From Ukrainian NF

Today it was announced by NTU that one of the songs has been disqualified from the National Final of Ukraine for the 2014 Junior Eurovision Song Contest. The song perform Polina Ryzhak, entitled ‘Tse Ukraina’ was found to be a cover version of a Miley Cyrus song ‘Nobody’s Perfect’. Therefore the song has been replaced with the song that placed …

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