Home Countries Israel (page 24)


Israel Semi Final 2 Qualifiers

Three more acts qualified from the Second Semi Final show Kdam 2013 in Israel. We now have six finalists with three more joining the lucky group of Finalists from the third Semi which will take place tonight. In addition, one song from the Second Chance Round will bring the number of Finalists to 10.   Tonight’s qualifiers are:   Ran …

Israel: Kdam Semi Final 1 Qualifiers

The first Semi Final in Israel took place tonight and three songs qualified for the Final Show on March 7th. Let’s find out who they are:   Shany Zamir  – Forever [vsw id=”l2c1_n92na4″ source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]  Ron Weinreich – Love is one [vsw id=”YMM9NZ1oRBI” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”] Kathleen Reiter – Back to me [vsw id=”w9ia1OiFmxw” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”] Judah Gavra   will …

Israel: Listen to the songs of KDAM Semi Final 3

The third Semi Final of KDAM 2013, the Israeli National Final for the Eurovision Song Contest, will take place on February 28 and the 10 songs taking part in that Semi have been made available for the public. Please enjoy the clips below and let us know which songs you like the best. [vsw id=”DY4MWH-BmVI” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”] [vsw …

Israel: Listen to the songs of KDAM Semi Final 2

The second Semi Final of KDAM 2013, the Israeli National Final for the Eurovision Song Contest, will take place on February 27 and the 10 songs taking part in that Semi have been made available for the public. Please enjoy the clips below and let us know which songs you like the best.   [vsw id=”505QiaGWR0Y” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”] …

Israel: Listen to the songs of KDAM Semi Final 1

The first Semi Final of KDAM 2013, the Israeli National Final for the Eurovision Song Contest, will take place on February 26 and the 10 songs taking part in that Semi have been made available for the public. Please enjoy the clips below and let us know which songs you like the best.   [vsw id=”bjdT6uK4pJI” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”] …

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