Home Countries Bosnia & Herzegovina (page 4)

Bosnia & Herzegovina

Is booing okay at Eurovision, why is Portugal withdrawing and is Australia here to stay? ESC United Podcast

Matt and Adam are welcoming Calvin to our Podcast discussion to discuss the latest and greatest news, developments and general Eurovision related info. This time around we are joined by our reader and Forum member Calvin. Make sure to listen to our conversation, today we are tackling the following topics. Today’s topic include: Portugal is withdrawing from Eurovision 2016. Australia …

Bosnia & Herzegovina submit provisional 2016 paperwork

Bosnia & Herzegovina has taken another step closer to the contest in 2016, as BHRT has now submitted provisional participation paperwork to the EBU. Bosnia & Herzegovina has not taken part in the contest since 2012, due to financial difficulties suffered by the broadcaster. We had previously reported that these financial difficulties continued to affect the broadcaster but it seems …

Bosnia and Herzegovina: 2016 still a target, media reports

The national broadcaster of Bosnia and Herzegovina, BHRT, will aim to submit preliminary forms for the country’s return the the Eurovision Song Contest soon, despite financial difficulties affecting the channel in recent years, according to our colleagues at escbubble. A media source in Bosnia and Herzegovina has reported that the broadcaster sees Bosnian participation in the contest as a priority …

39 countries represented in Eurovision 2015

The EBU has confirmed that 39 countries will be represented at the Eurovision Song Contest 2015, hosted between 19-23 May in Vienna, Austria. The number is two up on last year, representing the first increase in participation since Germany’s hosting in 2011. Amongst the participants is a surprising return from Czech Republic, who will take part for the first time …

Bosnia & Herzegovina: No participation in Vienna

Sad news have reached us from Bosnia & Herzegovina: Despite having submitted a preliminary application, The Balkan country will not take part in the 60th Eurovision Song Contest after all. This was confirmed by the Bosnian broadcaster BHRT itself. The reasons stated were continuous financial problems and lack of sponsors. Previously there have been rumours about potential Bosnian representatives: the …

Bosnia & Herzegovina: Hari Mata Hari out but Regina in?!?

The Bosnian website avaz announced that negotiations between BHRT and Hari Mata Hari have failed and that he will not represent Bosnia & Herzegovina at the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest . Over the past few weeks his name has been floating around online as the possible representative so this should put an end to that rumor. The singer represented the …

Deadline extended for Bosnia and Herzegovina

Participation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest is still uncertain. It was announced on official press release by BHRT that participation confirmation is lacking due to the financial difficulties.  EBU granted them a deadline extension until 14 November to make a final decision considering their participation. BHRT stated that revenues of TV fees has decreased by …

Hari Mata Hari to represent Bosnia and Herzegovina?

Bosnian website avaz.ba has posted a surprising nugget of Eurovision news if true – the Balkan nation’s most successful Eurovision artist Hari Mata Hari may be gearing up for a comeback which promises to be equally as successful as in 2006. While no official statement or announcement from the Bosnian broadcaster BHRT has been made, the site suggests that various …

Bosnia and Herzegovina return to Eurovision!

Great news today! It appears that Bosnia and Herzegovina are lining up to return to the Eurovision Song Contest in 2015 after taking two years out for financial reasons. According to esctoday the national broadcaster of Bosnia and Herzegovina, BHRT, has submitted a preliminary application to take part to the EBU and while this doesn’t necessarily mean the country won’t …

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