Home Countries Australia (page 21)


Australia: Entry announced in March

The Eurovision world is still reeling from the shock announcement of Australia’s participation yesterday but the first details of Down Under’s participation are already being revealed. Julia Zemiro, Australia’s commentator in the contest, has announced that the Australian entry for 2015 will be decided and announced in early March. It is currently unknown whether the country will go for an …

Eurovision Supreme Court: Should the EBU allow Australia to take part?

An announcement was made earlier today that Australia would be allowed to take part in the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest. This sent shock waves across the Eurovision community and Social Media platforms exploded left and right. Some people were really excited about this while others have been very vocal about their dislike of this decision. On our Forum, we were …

Breaking News: Australia joins Eurovision 2015!!!

Yep, you read that correctly: AUSTRALIA WILL COMPETE IN EUROVISION 2015! The Eurovision fandom was already surprised by Czech Republic’s return to the contest – but for the 60th anniversary the EBU and ORF have come up with something really special. After being invited as interval act last year, Australia will join the contest as a proper competitor. The Reference …

Australia working on ‘building bridges’ to Vienna

It’s no secret anymore that one of the contest’s biggest fans isn’t even taking part in the contest, but SBS of Australia has already announced that it will broadcast Eurovision down under once again in 2015, as part of their 2015 highlights article. The broadcaster has also confirmed that Julia Zemiro and Sam Pang, the long-standing commentating pair, will be …

Escunited invites you to the Australian Eurovision party

The Australian Eurovision fan club organizes an unforgettable big party at home and you are more than welcome. This time, the city that will breathe the purest ESC atmosphere will be Perth, the capital of Western Australia. The organizers of the party will be two truly ESC souls, we’re talking about Kate Hansen and Kohan Ikin. Kohan’s Eurovision’s first time …

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