Today, Moldova had their annual warm-up for their national final, that is the live auditions. Originally, 51 songs had been submitted to the national broadcaster (TRM), only 32 songs managed to get a pass to the live auditions, but only 30 songs were performed earlier today. Let’s have a look at what has happened in Moldova.

Etapa Națională – Live Auditions 2024

Prior to tonight, originally, 32 songs were accepted into the live auditions, but unfortunately, Aliona Moon ft. Milla announced shortly after they were accepted into the live auditions, that they had withdrawn their song “Obosit, further details for the withdrawal was never given. Just 3 days before the live auditions, it was also announced that Trupa Vovi Robian had also decided to withdraw from the competition, due to illness, hence pulling out their song “Robotul Vovi“.

This meant that there would instead be 30 live auditions, and they were all present in the following order:

  1. Maria Ciolac – “Break Free”
  2. DPSTP ft. Arina – “Rise Up”
  3. Oliv Sky – “Another Universe”
  4. Victor Gulick – “Fever”
  5. Formația Vele – “Carnaval”
  6. Sasha Bognibov – “Married to Twins”
  7. Denis Midone – “Back To Me”
  8. Y-Limit – “REVOLUTION”
  9. Oliv Sky – “Loud & Clear”
  10. Victor Lozinsky – “Dirty Wind/Joker & Harley Move”
  11. Tudor Bumbac – “Tudorel”
  12. Laura – “Spune-mi”
  13. POLI – “Lui”
  14. Iulia Teleuca – “Runaway”
  15. Julea Viola – “Light Up!”
  16. Max Cara – “Broke The Chain”
  17. Sasha Letty – “DNA”
  18. Reghina Alexandrina – “Contrasens”
  19. Valleria – “RULE (Rai Di Ri Di)”
  20. Natalia Barbu – “In The Middle”
  21. Anna Gulko – “Perfect Place”
  22. OL – “No Time No Space”
  23. Catalina Solomac – “Fever”
  24. Anna G – “Ay Ay Ay”
  25. Valeria Pasha – “Anti-Princess”
  26. Spînu Oleg – Jungle
  27. Y-Limit – “What’s The Fun”
  28. Nicoleta Sava – “Bravo”
  29. Nino – “Up Again”
  30. Valleria – “Run”

All 30 performances were judged based on their vocal performance and delivery, rather than on their performance. Here a jury of 5 members were set to decide and award each act a given amount of points. The 5 members of the jury consisted of: Andrei Zapșa, Liviu Știrbu, Paul Gămaurari, Elena Stegari & Lidia Isac (Moldova 2016)

Announcement of the finalists

After everyone had performed for the in-person jury, a short break would then take place for one hour, where the points would be added up together, in order to decide the finalists.

After the short break, a special 1 hour show was held, where the finalists were then announced and where the jury explained their reasons for picking the finalists. The finalists are and were ranked as following:

  1. Natalia Barbu – “In The Middle”
  2. Valeria Pasha – “Anti-Princess”
  3. Iulia Teleucă – “Runaway”
  4. Cătălina Solomac – “Fever”
  5. OL – “No Time No Space”
  6. Viola Julea – “Light up!”
  7. Reghina Alexandrina – “Contrasens”
  8. Victor Gulick – “Fever”
  9. Nicoleta Sava – “Bravo”
  10. Sasha Letty – “DNA”
  11. Y-Limit – “REVOLUTION”

In the end, 11 songs were picked, and now Finala națională will then feature all 11 songs, which will take place on the 17th of February. The 3 songs that placed between 9th and 11th, all finished with the same amount of points, hence the inclusion of an 11th finalists.

Among the finalists, we find Y-Limit, who were one of the 3 acts, that had 2 songs in today’s auditions. We also find Victor Gulick and OL who both also qualified to the national final last year. Reghina Alexandria will be the only act to perform a song in Romanian in the final, Valeria Pasha‘s song is penned by Pasha Parfeni who represented Moldova last year, and finally, we fins Natalia Barbu who ranked first with the jury and who represented Moldova back in 2007.

Which of the 11 finalists do #YOU like the most and who do #YOU think will end up representing the country in Malmö?
Let’s hear from #YOU on our forum site right HERE, or visit us on Facebook, X(Twitter), Instagram, Youtube, TikTok and Discord.

Source(s): (In Romanian)

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