With the official announcement by the EBU of Luxembourg’s return to the contest, the country’s Prime Minister and Minister for Communications and Media, Xavier Bettel, has talked about the Grand-Duchy’s ambitions ahead of the preparations for the contest.
Talking to RTL, the Prime Minister has spoken about the objectives of the country in the contest and explained the reasoning behind the long awaited return to the show.
He mentioned that the Grand-Duchy’s return is an opportunity to promote the country on an international level and a potential victory would help developing the creative and musical industry of Luxembourg.
The head of government is not only counting on participating in the contest but is already preparing the possibility of hosting the contest in 2025. The country is investing in tourism and hosting the contest would benefit the sector.
Moreover, the participation to Eurovision is an opportunity for the musical scene of the country to shine and in an interview with TV5 Monde Xavier Bettel mentions it by saying:
” We have super talents in Luxembourg, we have nothing to be ashamed of. […] I am convinced that we’ll find a great candidate and if we win, we’ll have to look. But the goal is above all to participate, it’s a bit like the Olympics of song. “
This ambition is shown in the requirements to participate in the national selection as the participants will have to be either citizenship holders, residents for at least 3 consecutive years or have a “Luxembourgish cultural background” with a link to the Luxembourgish musical scene.
The Grand-Duchy’s return to the contest ends a 30 year break, having last participated in 1993 with the song “Donne-moi une chance” by Modern Times sung in French and Luxembourgish. You can listen to it here:
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Sources: RTL.lu and TV5Monde.com (in French)