Today we were able to connect with Supernova finalist Miks Galvanovski’s ahead of tomorrow’s show. Despite being a former participant in Supernova, Miks described to us that this year is an entirely new version of himself, described his musical influences, and explained a bit about his Supernova song. Read more about it below!

Hello there Miks – thank you so much for taking some time out of your day to meet with me! For our readers who might be encountering you for the first time, why don’t you give us a quick introduction?

Hi! I’m 24 years young artist from small town in Latvia. “I was a good boy who tried my best to be a winner… now I’m just a Sinner” This line is from my song and it’s just true. In everyday I’m playing concerts and just living my best life. Kind of- don’t see the point to live my life in the way you are not enjoying it. So here I’m… enjoying every single moment of it.

I’m like my own definition of Rockstar – rebel from Latvia who owns a definition of a “Sinner”. Not only because I’m one but I also own “The Sinners Bar” and “The Sinners Club” in capital city of Latvia- Riga. I’m Just a Sinner!

Wonderful thank you so much for that! I listened to quite a few of your releases on YouTube, and it seems like you’re a very. versatile artist. Who are some of the artists that influence your music?

I found my vibe only two years ago and now I know that this is me. I was different. I was a sweet boy, I was something I don’t even know if I liked it myself but here I’m- Just a Sinner. I think there is influence from something in every corner but if I need to say few specific artists- AC/DC, Guns N’ Roses, Imagine Dragons and many more. I think that when I write my music I have some vibe check with those legends but I’ll always stay true to myself.

You also write a lot of your own music as well. What does the songwriting process usually look like for you?

Most of my songs I write together with my producer Reinis. Our typical day looks like: We just go to different rooms and he is making melody and I’m writing lyrics. At the end of the day we have some new material to work with. New challenge to conquer. It’s all about our chemistry.

I’m curious to know – if you ever had the chance to collaborate with an artist of your choice, who would you choose to work with and why?

Damn that’s a hard a*s question… but f it – lets go with Eminem or Ariana Grande if I can take her to date.

Now you were a late admit to the Supernova line-up, given that you won the online wildcard vote in mid-January. And now you’re off to the finals – congratulations! What went through your head when you learned you would be moving forward in the competition?

Just never give up…even if you’re best from the worst.

This is also not your first time in Supernova, as you participated in both 2017 and 2018 as well. What made you decide to submit an entry again for the 2022 edition of Supernova?

That guy is not me… let’s just say that. I’ve never been in Supernova and this will be my first time.

Your entry is titled “I’m Just A Sinner” for the national final, could you tell us a bit about the message or story behind the song?

You should love what you are and nobody can stop you. I believe that my lyrics speak louder than anything else right now: “Locked up heaven, Closed forever, F*ck.. I’m still going there. “

Since you were added to the line-up so late, I’m sure that the preparation and rehearsal timeline has been tight ahead of the semi-finals. With a little bit more time will we see any changes or tweaks to your staging plan on the night of the final?

We already updated a lot of thing from semi-final and we are ready to burn off the stage. Can’t say more- You will see everything in live show.

Now of course, the winner of Supernova will go on to Eurovision to represent Latvia in Turin. Why should you be the artist that represents Latvia in the contest this year?

Because Rock ‘N’ Roll baby. That’s all I have to say.

As we wrap up, for those who want to connect with you ahead of or after the selection– where can they find you and your music?

Just look for Miks Galvanovskis in almost every social media platform.

For my music:

Spotify- Miks Galvanovskis

YouTube- Miks Galvanovskis

And just everywhere else- Miks Galvanovskis.

Last question – is there any message you’d want to share with the ESCUnited readers?

There is no need to fake or pretend to someone you’re not. Just you do you baby.

Well Miks, thank you so much for taking some time to speak with us and we wish you the best of luck during Supernova!

What do #YOU think of Mik’s song “I’m Just A Sinner”? Let us know on social media @ESCUnited, on our discord, or on our forum page!

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