
The ESC United team in Tel Aviv have watched the rehearsals many, many times and we are finally ready to reveal our predictions on who is going to qualify tonight. This was not an easy task, but Matt, Sean, Zack, David, and Fernando ranked all songs from first to last place and we then combined the results for an overall ESC United prediction. 

This is not based on personal taste or preference, this is purely what we believe is going to be the outcome tonight!

Ultimately, it was a nailbiter between Australia and Greece with the country down under taking the lead. The staging and vocals wowed the team and we believe now that Australia will end up on top.

But it is by no means a landslide as Katerine from Greece is right behind, finishing in a close 2nd. With unique vocals, impressive staging and slick production, Greece is expected to impress and blow people away. People from all across the continent will appreciate this song and the late running order will definitely help as well.

The bronze medal will go to Iceland, according to our predictions. While Hatari’s song may be polarizing, it is impossible to ignore this song and the shock effect will leave an impact with the viewers. At least that is what our team is predicting, only time will tell if we are right or wrong.

#YOU can see the full ranking of our team members below and make sure to check out the YouTube video where Matt goes into more detail and shares his thoughts!

What do #YOU think, do #YOU agree with our predictions or have we missed someone? Share your thoughts with us on our forum HERE or join the discussion below and on social media!

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One Comment

  1. […] a comparison with our team’s results, there is only one difference between our top ten and that of the readers; our team believes that Estonia will qualify in 8th place, in place of Portugal who we had placed […]

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