So, after we know a few entries already, tonight Albania decided who will represent this country on the Eurovision Song Contest 2013 which will be held in Malmö. After Rona Nishliu and Suus who finished on amazing 5th place (what is the best Albanian result on Eurovision since their debut on the Eurovision Song Contest 2004), tonight Albanian jury decided that 10th Albanian Eurovision participant will be Adrian Lulgjuraj & Bledar Sejko with the rock song Identitet. They’ve won on Festivali i Këngës with 74 points, while the first Albanian Eurovision entry Anjeza Shanini finished on 2nd place with 12 points less than the winners.
So, if you want to hear the Albanian entry for next year’s Eurovision (which will be held in Malmö after Swedish victory on the Eurovision Song Contest 2012), just click on the Youtube video below this text:
[vsw id=”UqZixWuf2ns” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]And also, don’t forget to comment on Albanian entry in our official Albania 2013 thread HERE. We’ve also added the official poll, so you can rate the entry with choosing one number in ESC system as well (with 12 being the highest possible choice and the song you like a lot and 0 being the lowest possible choice and the song you don’t like or hate the most).
Written by: Jukica