Lighthouse X during their cruise tour, with the press.
Lighthouse X during their cruise tour, with the press.

Lighthouse X is made up by their 3 members, which are Søren Bregendal, Johannes Nymark and Martin Skriver. They will represent Denmark this year in Stockholm, but before they head to the Swedish capital, they have planned an online event, where they invite everyone from all over the world, to join them in their online concert.

Lighthouse X cupcakes, specially made for the cruise guests.
Lighthouse X cupcakes, specially made for the cruise guests.

The boys have explained, they were said that they weren’t able to join any of the Eurovision Pre-Parties, and instead wish to make this online concert, in order to promote themselves and their song, before their Eurovision journey takes them to Stockholm.


Lighthouse X, did also invite the press on a cruise trip in Copenhagen, where they could talk and explain to the press, a little about themselves and give a rather small introduction to, who they are, and what they wish to express, with their song “Soldiers Of Love”.

The trip lasted for about an hour, where the trio performed 2 songs in a acoustic version, and enjoyed themselves with the press, while being interviewed and photographed on the boat.

Lighthouse X – “Soldiers Of Love”

Lighthouse X is a Danish pop group with a mission. Their entry for this year’s Eurovision Song Contest, “Soldiers Of Love”, is their battle hymn as they fight to make the world a slightly better place through the power of music. Lighthouse X won the Danish contest with a staggering 42% of the votes in the final, and the three members – Søren, Johannes & Martin – are hopeful that their message will resonate all across Europe.

Lighthouse X is based on the belief that music can make a significant difference in the world. That music can open minds and hearts across all ages, genders and languages. That music can truly unite people.

It is this belief in the power of music that is incorporated into their song “Soldiers Of Love”, which led them to victory in the national song contest. This victory ensured that Lighthouse X would get the honor of getting to represent Denmark at the Eurovision Song Contest in Stockholm in May.

Søren Bregendal
Søren Bregendal

Explaining how important the song is to Lighthouse X, the group states the following:


“It is the quintessential Lighthouse X song. No other song captures our message of love and hope and our vision of a better world as strongly as this one. So it’s a very important song to us, and when we perform it live, it feels truly empowering. We want to inspire everyone to be soldiers of love, and this is our battle hymn”

The song was written and composed by Lighthouse X along with Sebastian F. Ovens, Daniel Lund Jørgensen and Katrine Klith Andersen, and it has a very strong source of inspiration:

“It was written the day after the terrorist attack in Paris in November 2015. Ths song isn’t explicitly about the attack, but the feeling of sorrow and despair we shared with our fellow European citizens stressed the need to write a song about unity and humanity – and how we have to fight hatred with love. It’s the only way forward.”

Søren, Johannes and Martin were all close friends when they decided to form Lighthouse X back in 2012. They realized they all shared the urge to make music with a strong, positive message, so they decided to join their musical forced and form a band.

On top of making music together, Søren, Johannes and Martin also decided to use their position in Lighthouse X to support a set of causes and to bring extra attention to them through their music and performances.

Johannes Nymark
Johannes Nymark

Søren supports grieving children and young adults that have either deadly ill or recently deceased siblings and parents. Johannes supports children born with heart conditions, and Martin supports marginalized and overweight children. And all three members support the fight for a more positive, respectful and empathetic dialogue in society.

All the members have had experiences that make it natural for Søren, Johannes and Martin to support these specific causes. As a child, Søren suffered from quite severe OCD and anxiety. Johannes’ mother has a heart disease, which greatly affects him and his family. And Martin used to be overweight and was a victim of bullying in school.

To Lighthouse X, participating in the Eurovision Song Contest serves as a perfect way of communicating their positive message:

“It’s a platform of people coming together across all ages, genders, ethnicities and religious backgrounds, and along with this year’s theme, Come Together, it corresponds perfectly with our core message. the Lighthouse X philosophy is universal – Denmark is not the only place that could need some more soldiers of love. The entire world is calling for an army like that.”

About Lighthouse X

Lighthouse X consists of three artists who have come together in a strong fellowship. They believe it is possible to create a band that thinks differently. A band that makes social responsibility through music in a new and innovative way.

Martin Skriver
Martin Skriver

Lighthouse X represents a whole-hearted attempt at making a positive difference in the world. At inspiring attentive conversations in which we truly listen to one another. At establishing dialogue that makes us open up for all the things that excite us and scare us.

The goal is to harvest the power of music to make us all talk through our hearts, to make sure we share our thoughts and to create space and respect for each other.

As the name suggests, Søren, Johannes and Martin wish to be a lighthouse that others can use for navigation – by being the change that they themselves wish to see in the world, while also inspiring  and supporting other people who serve as guiding lights.

Søren Bregendal – is a natural-born pop star, who has toured the world with his formed band, C21. Since then he has released an album as a solo artist and worked as a critically acclaimed actor and stage performer. Søren supports grieving children and young adults with either deadly ill or recently deceased siblings and parents.

Johannes Nymark – works as an actor on film, TV and stage. He has performed in some of the biggest musicals in Denmark and played leading roles in productions like Les Misérables and Singin’ In The Rain as well as the title role in Disney’s Aladdin. Johannes supports children born with heart diseases.

Martin Skriver – graduated from the Danish Musical Academy in 2013 and has established himself as one of the genre’s rising stars through his roles in The Little Mermaid and Evita. Martin supports marginalized and overweight children.

Live Concert

The live concert will take place on the 25th of April and will start at 8 PM/20:00 Danish & Central European Time. The concert is expected to last about 1 hour, where they trio expect to perform around 8 – 10 songs, and viewers will also be able to ask live questions, which the trio will answer as well during the broadcast, as long you also write your name and e-mail along with your question. The questions can be submitted to them, under the “Questions” tab, on the right side of the screen. Everyone can watch the concert by clicking on this link:

Once again, Lighthouse X will represent Denmark at the Eurovision Song Contest, they will perform on the 13th spot in the second semi-final, which will take place on the 12th of May in Stockholm.

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