Rehearsal time is quickly approaching and ESC United will of course be in Vienna to keep you updated about all the happenings over there. There will be rehearsal reports, videos, interviews, vlogs and many other things. This year we want you to get to know our team beforehand – today we’re starting off with our first team member Zack.



Name: Zachary Kerr (should I be a jerk and put Doctor in front of my name so we can say ESC united has their own Dr. Eurovision J )
Nickname: Zack

Country: USA
Profession: Injury epidemiologist         
Languages: English, Spanish, and whatever Hawaiian I retained from elementary school

Three fears: Clowns, heights, being eaten alive by an animal
Three things you dislike: Arrogance, People that bad-mouth Eurovision, Expensive liquor
Three things you like: Dancing like nobody’s watching; Leaps of faith; Dogs
Favourite movie: Don’t have one
Favourite food: My other half makes an incredible Vegan BLTA with homemade bread.  It could actually make me give up meat!
Favourite drink: Rum and Coke

First Eurovision memory: Watching Jemini open for Lisa Scott-Lee of Steps at G-A-Y bar in London in spring 2003
Favourite Eurovision song: Germany 1975 – Joy Fleming – Ein Lied kann eine Brucke sein

Eurovisions visited: Malmo and soon-to-be Vienna

Eurovision 2015 expectations: See friends old and new; sing and dance along to a lot of Eurovision
Eurovision 2015 favourite entry: Albania and Australia (can’t decide)

Other you would like to say: I like to mow my other half’s two acre lawn with a push lawn mower while screaming Eurovision songs.  The neighbors don’t appreciate it as much when I shriek Quedate Conmigo or Illusion but screw em!

Would you like to join in on our “Get To Know Me Tag“? Just copy the sample, fill in your own answers and post them here. If you have any other questions about the team and how things will work in Vienna  you can also ask those in the same thread. 

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  1. Ka'a Kerr

    May 2, 2015 at 15:05

    Uhoh I don’t trust this zack character. Looks like a jerk! 😉

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