Tonight we will see two songs selected to represent their countries in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest, one of which is Iceland. Söngvakeppnin 2015 will begin at 21:00CET. There are seven songs in the running for the Icelandic ticket are:
1. Cadem ‘Fyrir alla’
2. Sunday ‘Fjaðrir’
3. Björn og félagar ‘Piltur og stúlka’
4. María Ólafsdóttir ‘Lítil skref’
5. Elín Sif Halldórsdóttir ‘Í kvöld’
6. Friðrik Dór ‘Í síðasta skipti’
7. Haukur Heiðar Hauksson ‘Milljón augnablik’

The two acts with the most votes will make the ‘super-final’, the acts have been given the option to perform in Icelandic or English in the super-final. Cadem, Sunday, María Ólafsdóttir, Elín Sif Halldórsdóttir, and Friðrik Dó have opted to perform in English should they make the super-final, whilst Björn og félagar and Haukur Heiðar Hauksson will perform in Icelandic.

The winner will be selected through a mix of 50% televote and 50% jury, the jury members being:
Einar Bárðarson
Jóhanna Guðrún Jónsdóttir
Sigríður Thorlacius
Stefán Hilmarsson
Valdimar Guðmundsson

To watch the Icelandic Final it can be done so HERE at 21:00 CET through Although may only be available in Iceland.

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