Over recent years national finals have become a less and less popular option for selecting the Eurovision entries, however, in 2018, we are seeing a surge in countries opting for a national final.

The list of countries that are using a national final is growing bigger by the day, with nations such as Montenegro returning to a national final after 10 years and San Marino opting for a national final for the first time. We are going to have a National Final season like never before. Week after week filled with national final goodness that will keep us all on the edge of our seats!


The usual candidates, Sweden (Melodifestivalen), Malta (MESC), Denmark (DMGP), Finland (UMK), Italy (San Remo), United Kingdom (Eurovision: You Decide), to name a few. This year the national final season will be including some new competitions to select Eurovision entries, and the return of some former contests;

Serbia will bring back Beovizija.

Montenegro will bring back Montevizija.

France will be using a national final again for the first time since 2014.

San Marino will be using a national final for the first time.

Spain are bringing back Operación Triunfo – however it is not yet known whether they will use the programme to select their entrant.

So Eurofans, brace yourself for a full national final season!

Which national final are #YOU looking forward to the most? Share your thoughts with us on our discussion forum HERE or join the discussion on social media!

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