
The exact start of the Eurovision 2015 ticket sales has finally been announced: On Monday, 15 December at 9am the first wave of tickets will go on sale. The official ticketing partner is oeticket.com.

The ticket prices will range from €14 (category D for a semi final family show) to €390 (gold category in the final). You can find the exact list of price categories HERE. Until May, there will be more waves of ticket sales until the final setting of the cameras, the stage and the green room is determined.

For Eurovision, oeticket.com is cooperating with international companies and will increase their server capacities to ensure a smooth process when it comes to selling the tickets. There will be a “first click, first serve” system that will put you on a virtual waiting list until you can buy your desired tickets.

Source: songcontest.orf.at • Picture courtesy: Andres Putting (EBU)

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