Liverpool, 08 May 2023
The dress rehearsals are finally upon us! Let’s go through all of them one by one and give you some more details about all of the performances! Buckle up and get through all of the 15 performances today!!
Note: Images and videos will be added once they go online on the official channel.
Country: Sweden
Act: Loreen
Song: “Tattoo”
Semifinal: First (09/05/2022)
Position in Running Order: 11/15
The performance starts off a bit foggy with Loreen lying on her side in her little box contraption. She rolls over and plays with the upper LED screen. Pretty much like the national final. The smaller box doesn’t distract here. What really stands out here are the cracks between the LED screens on the backwall because there are so many close shots and a lot of beige and sandy tones.
When she gets up the box does feel a bit small and the movements are more contained by the size of it. In the final bridge the lights turn more blue and in the final chorus the screens open up with great lighting. It’s pretty much all similar from the national final, it just does miss something I guess, especially the lines distract.
Important to note is that they took a little break after Sweden as well. Even with this required break, they had to do an improvisation bit because of both stage props having to roll off and on stage.
Country: Azerbaijan
Act: TuralTuranX
Song: “Tell Me More”
Semifinal: First (09/05/2022)
Position in Running Order: 12/15
This performance starts off with black and white shots where the screen is divided into 4 parts. The black and white fades away slowly into a slighting with blue and yellow when they both get to the chorus.
After the rap part the blue lights make change for a more pinkish purple. This performance is pretty much what you expect with them on the small heartshaped platform. They play a lot with dividing the screens into 4 segments as well. The focus is really on the two singers. After the final chorus the lights becomes very pink and becomes incredibly intimate again. Definitely stands out after the ‘violence’ that Loreen brings in a very soothing way!
Country: Czechia
Act: Vesna
Song: “My Sister’s Crown”
Semifinal: First (09/05/2022)
Position in Running Order: 13/15
The start focuses on one singer with the camera walking backwards revealing the other 2 singers at the first ‘hey!’. There is a lot of dancing and moving around. The background LED looks really nice as well. The ‘we are not your dolls’ is followed by them posing as dolls. The rap-part focuses on the rapper only with black and white flashes throughout. This contrasts nicely with a clean white LED where they walk to the front stage.
At this front stage they all drop their braids from their hands and have an imposing moment on the front stage. The lighting becomes very pink. In the ending they all run back to the main stage where they spread out and dance around holding each others hand leaning back in 3 pairs of 2. Vocally not always perfect, but you definitely can’t call them bad either
Country: Netherlands
Act: Mia Nicolai & Dion Cooper
Song: “Burning Daylight”
Semifinal: First (09/05/2022)
Position in Running Order: 14/15
The song starts very zoomed in on Dion with some white lights lighting up his face sporadically. When Mia’s voice joins in she appears in the background. At the first chorus she has made her way over towards Dion and they look at each other intensely. The vocals are actually quite solid.
The second verse focuses on Mia and they start to walk around on the spinning platform a bit more. The second chorus has a beautiful visual behind them where they got close to each other again. They spread around more for some more walking moments. The final chorus starts and they stand in the middle dancing and singing together. Actually vocally solid and they ended up with a hug!
Country: Finland
Act: Käärijä
Song: “Cha Cha Cha”
Semifinal: First (09/05/2022)
Position in Running Order: 15/15
We start off showing off the big wooden box where Käärijä breaks off small pieces of wood which are a bit audible, but create a nice funny layer to the song. The chorus comes and he has climbed to the top to the dancesolo. The box opens to reveal the dancers attached to the pole. He runs around the box and at the second chorus the dancers really join him more prominently.
The lighting turns to something more green. The human centipede part evolved with more movements. No glitter throwing unfortunately. His signature dancemoves come out in the ending with rainbow colouring on the LED’s and the lights. We end on the small pallets in front of the box again! Awesome!
For more coverage, join Matt & Gabe on the today’s livestream!
What do #YOU think of these 5 rehearsals? Did you fancy Sweden? How about Azerbaijan? Was Czechia more your cup of tea? Did Netherlands light your fire? or did Finland do it all for you? Share your thoughts with us in the comments, on our forum HERE or on social media!