RTP has released Portugal’s entry for Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2023 in Nice, France. The song is “Where I Belong” and it tells us about a trip and all the uncertainties and risks that the search for a better place can involve. The story of someone who lives in a dark and sad place and tries to find a brighter life. A place you can call home.
Here is the music video for “Where I Belong”:
Júlia publicly admitted having been bullied. This song is about her, but the hope itself is that it will serve as a warning and a “scream of solidarity” for all those going through a similar situation.
In 2022, Nicolas Alves represented Portugal with “Anos 70” finishing in 8th place.
What do #YOU think of Júlia Machado’ song? How do #YOU think Portugal will fare this year? Share your thoughts with us in the comments, on our forum HERE or on social media!