As the 2024 season is slowly approaching, Israel’s national selection is delayed until further notice due to the ongoing conflict in the country.

KAN has decided to select the Israeli representative using the singing competition ‘The Rising Star’ earlier this year. The first stage of auditions was completed in September, and filmed audition episodes were due to begin next week. However, home front commands prevented the broadcaster Keshet from starting the filming in time for safety reasons during the current war in the country.

It is still unknown when the show will begin filming, let alone air. As long as the current clashes in the country continue, it is not likely that filming can start anytime soon, yet an official statement hasn’t been made. There are also uncertainties as to whether this might impact the song selection process, which is still unannounced, or the pacing of the artist selection format.

Israel is experienced with the Rising Star as an artist selection format. It has been used from 2015 to 2020 and resulted in a perfect qualification streak for the country, as well as two top 10 results and a win. Usually, it starts airing around November, with the final happening in early February.

Unless changes are made to the selection format soon, it is likely that we won’t find out the Israeli representative until late February or even March.

ESCunited sends love and hope to all affected by this conflict, and we will keep you updated on their selection process as best we can.

source: mako

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