They might not be hosting the contest next year, but they will play an influential role in the contest next year, and therefor they are going all in early. Ukrainian national broadcaster (Suspline) has today opened it’s song submission period for the next two months, and will by December be able to tell who will represent the defending champions in the United Kingdom next year.

Vidbir 2023

Today, the Ukrainian national broadcaster revealed the rules for the upcoming selection and launched the opening of their song submission period. Starting from today and all the way until October 15th 2022, acts will be able to send in their entries in order to have a shot at representing the nation, at the contest next year, which we still don’t know where it will be held at the given moment.

Already for 2023, the broadcaster reveals a bunch of changes that will be introduced for the 2023 national final, despite it is set to be held in 2022. Musician Dmytro Shurov has been appointed as the music producer for the upcoming national final, which will be held in Kyiv.

Dmytro Shurov has the following statement regarding the upcoming national final:

  • “As a full-time musician, I understand well how powerful a weapon music is in times of war. Music lifts from the emotional bottom, gives hope, recharges, heals. Ukraine has something to give to the world, we are a nation of free people who want to create, not destroy, and it is very important that new Ukrainian music is born and reaches people.”
  • “I am delighted to have the opportunity to be the music producer for this year’s selection. I want Europe to hear and see a modern Ukrainian musician who is part of the world musical context. An artist who, thanks to his music, his uniqueness, talent and charisma, will be able to be his own at any world festival or concert venue. A musician who will be heard in the headphones and playlists of people all over the world. I know that we have such people, and although it is very difficult to create now, I invite and urge musicians of all styles and genres to urgently take up their favorite instrument and join the selection. Applications will be accepted until October 15, so you have almost two months to create your winning song that breathes the new Ukraine, a song that will touch and inspire the world”.

Clearly, the war and the current situation in Ukraine is still reflected in the statement, and that there is a desire to show viewers, that Ukraine will become it’s own country.

Rules included are the usual rules regarding participation at the Eurovision Song Contest, which mentions that participants must be 16 years or older, must be available to perform the song live, the song can contain backing vocals however and only up to 3 minutes long.

Interesting enough, it is also stated that any language can be used in a song, “except for the language of the aggressor state“, meaning that the Russian language is banned from the competition.

Suspline will also change their format of selecting juries, as they also state that the Ukrainians will be in charge of selecting the juries. This should not be an issue for the national final, but the broadcaster also insist of doing the same for the actual contest in May 2023. Whether this will be allowed or not, we shall see in the future.

Earlier this year, Ukraine managed to win their 3rd contest, when they were represented by Kalush Orchestra and the song “Stefania“. The song managed to win the competition with 631 points in total, where 439 of the points came from the public alone. Never in the history of the competition, has a song scored more than 400 points from the public alone.

Despite their win earlier this year, Ukraine will NOT host the upcoming contest, the honor has instead gone to the runner-up country of the 2022 contest, the United Kingdom. However, Ukraine will instead be given a direct spot in the final.

Do #YOU think Ukraine will be at least able to stage this national final and are #YOU happy that it will take place this early. The 2023 season is already well underway, so let’s hear from #YOU on our forum HERE or on our social media platforms.

Source(s): (Ukrainian & English) & Eurovision.TV

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