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Tag Archives: Xavier Naidoo

Know-It-Alls Podcast: Nicky Byrne for Ireland, Serhat for San Marino and some Oscar News!

Every Sunday at 19:00 CET, the ESC United Know-It-Alls are discussing the latest and greatest news, developments and general Eurovision related info. Today’s panel includes Matt (ESC United Editor-in-Chief), Stefan ( ESC United Editor),Jake (ESC United Editor) and Sadie (ESC United Editor). In this week’s live Hangout we discussed the following topics: – Nicky Byrne (Westlife) for Ireland – Serhat …

Xavier Naidoo NOT representing Germany – The Internet reacts

  It’s been an Up-and-Down whirlwind for Germany. First they announced that Xavier Naidoo was internally selected to represent Germany at the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest in Stockholm. This was a controversial decision among the fans as he was accused of anti-semitism, Homophobia and other statements that were considered offensive by many. The unexpected backlash by the media and fans …

Xavier Naidoo to represent Germany At Eurovision

  One of the most successful German artists is going to represent Germany at the Eurovision Song Contest 2016 in Stockholm: Xavier Naidoo. The viewers will get to choose the song via the “Unser Song fur Xavier” show on February 18th, 2016. Some of the most renowned German composers and producers will be asked to submit their songs and six …