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Tag Archives: Vesna

ESC 2023: First 10 semi-finalists have drawn their half’s

What a show, what a spectacular, some performances, it’s all happening again! We wish the best of luck to the eliminated acts, and can now just only look forward to see, where tonight’s 10 qualified acts will perform in the final! First or second half? Once again, a huge congrats to the 10 countries of 🇳🇴 Norway, 🇷🇸 Serbia, 🇵🇹 Portugal, 🇭🇷 …

Czechia: Creative Team for Vesna Announced!

The Czech broadcaster, Česká Televize has announced Vesna’s Creative Team for their performance at the Eurovision Song Contest 2023 in Liverpool. The national broadcaster revealed that four individuals will help stage Vesna’s performance in Liverpool, with Zizoe Veselá and Bára Juránková as the Creative Directors. Zizoe will also be the choreographer for the entry itself. Matyáš Vorda has been named …

Czech Republic: Meet the 5 artists set to compete in ESCZ 2023

Early this morning Česká televize (ČT) dropped the name of the artists set to compete in their live national final. The announcement carried with it a big surprise, since a total of 5 artists, not the originally promised 3, would be competing for a slot at Eurovision 2023. The artists set to compete in ESCZ 2023 are: Maella Markéta Irglová …