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Tag Archives: turkvision

Austrian broadcaster discusses Politics in Eurovision

During the ORF- Dialog Forum on Tuesday, a panel of experts discussed Eurovision and whether or not the popular contest has a political bias. German Author Irving Wolther said that political messages are usually not allowed but that history has proven on multiple occasions, that this hasn’t been the case. He pointed out that the concept of countries judging other …

Türkvizyon 2014 Dates Announced

The second annual Türkvizyon Song Contest will be held in Kazan, Tatarstan this year. Kazan is the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia, and is Russia’s eighth most populated city. Türkvizyon will have that same format as last year with a final and one semifinal.  The semifinal will take place on November 19th, where the top 12 countries will …

Turkvision – Turkey launches new contest

As previously reported HERE, Turkey will most likely not return to the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest citing dissatisfaction with the jury system as well as the existence of the Big 5. The Turkish broadcaster officially launched “Turkvision”  (Türkvızyon) on September 21st, 2013, it is branded as a music contest for Eurasian countries. The signing ceremony was attended by Ell & Nikki …