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Tag Archives: Reviews

The ESC United “Expert” Panel 2018 – Romania

[AdSense-B] Before we pick apart the Romanian offering for this year’s contest – “Goodbye” – it is time to wrap up the feelings and thoughts on yesterday’s spotlight entry. What did #YOU think of Moldova? Here are some of your thoughts… Paul M.B. (Facebook) – “It’s very dated, cheap and cheesy and not my cup of tea. Televoters might like …

The ESC United “Expert” Panel 2018 – Finland

[AdSense-B] It’s almost time to review one of the most anticipate artists of the year in Finland’s Saara Aalto, but let’s turn our attention back to the United Kingdom for a moment. What did #YOU think of the British entry “Storm”? QwaarJet (Forum) – “A solid, anthemic pop song with a likeable, charismatic and powerful performer. I would say it’s …

The ESC United “Expert” Panel 2018 – Malta

[AdSense-B] Before moving onto Malta, let’s take a quick look at what our readers thought of the Czech Republic’s “Lie to Me”… QwaarJet (Forum) – “Very catchy, but also very slimy. Mikolas comes across as arrogant and creepy, and even in the new family friendly version, the lyrics are borderline offensive and sexist. The tune is a little too simple, …

The ESC United “Expert” Panel 2018 – Czech Republic

[AdSense-B] Before we head to the Czech Republic for the next jury vote, it’s time to review Albania. How did #YOU react to “Mall” and did you prefer it to the other entries so far? Here are some of your short reviews from across the forum and social media… Saša B. (Facebook) – “Love the Albanian entry, most of their …

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