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Tag Archives: Rayden

Spain: Fresh Off ‘Benidorm’ Qualifications, Fan Favourites Rayden and Tanxgueiras Celebrate … with Song!

Spain isn’t giving Eurovision fans a break this week! Fresh off of qualifying for Saturday’s Benidorm Fest final, and moving one step closer to representing Spain at Eurovision in May, Rayden and Tanxgueiras have dropped a new song and music video! The collaboration, titled “Averno”, was teased on social media late last year and in a video posted two days …

Spain: Benidorm Fest reviews round 2

Spain has opted for a national final format this year called Benidorm Fest. The show will happen this week and Semi-final 2 will be broadcast tonight. It is about time that the ESCUnited team took a look at all of the competing songs and gave their verdict. On today’s review panel we find: Boris Meersman, our passionate Belgian who is …