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Tag Archives: podcast

Podcast: Austria, Denmark and Switzerland have chosen

A busy, busy week for all Eurovision fans. Switzerland, Austria and Denmark all have chosen their entries for Stockholm while a bunch of other countries continued their search by holding Semi Finals. Sweden, Hungary, Finland, Iceland, Ukraine and Lithuania all were busy with Eurovision this week and we all certainly appreciate it. But there is no way that you can …

Know-It-Alls Podcast: Nicky Byrne for Ireland, Serhat for San Marino and some Oscar News!

Every Sunday at 19:00 CET, the ESC United Know-It-Alls are discussing the latest and greatest news, developments and general Eurovision related info. Today’s panel includes Matt (ESC United Editor-in-Chief), Stefan ( ESC United Editor),Jake (ESC United Editor) and Sadie (ESC United Editor). In this week’s live Hangout we discussed the following topics: – Nicky Byrne (Westlife) for Ireland – Serhat …

43 countries in Stockholm and should we be worried about Terrorism in Eurovision? – Know-It-All Podcast

Our are back with another edition of the ESC Podcast discussing the latest and greatest news, developments and general Eurovision related info. Today’s panel includes Matt (ESC United Editor-in-Chief), Stefan (ESC United Editor) and Zack (ESC United Contributor). Today’s topics: – Australia at Eurovision, Good or Bad Idea? – 43 countries in Stockholm – Kaliopi back to Eurovision for FYR …

Lebanon possibly in Stockholm and somebody at the EBU was fired – ESC United Podcast

Matt and Adam are back with another edition of the ESC Podcast discussing the latest and greatest news, developments and general Eurovision related info. We are joined by our member RomanFromRussia who shared some great insights with us. The following topics were up for debate: – Lebanon in Eurovision?!? – Somebody at the EBU was fired, what happened – Belarus …

Is booing okay at Eurovision, why is Portugal withdrawing and is Australia here to stay? ESC United Podcast

Matt and Adam are welcoming Calvin to our Podcast discussion to discuss the latest and greatest news, developments and general Eurovision related info. This time around we are joined by our reader and Forum member Calvin. Make sure to listen to our conversation, today we are tackling the following topics. Today’s topic include: Portugal is withdrawing from Eurovision 2016. Australia …

ESC United Podcast: Montenegro picks the act, Italy and the UK take Eurovision seriously and should we change the Point System

The Eurovision season is slowly picking up so it’s time to start with our first Podcast of the 2016 season. Over the next months, Matt and Adam are going to discuss anything Eurovision and share their thoughs and ideas. This time it’s only going to be the two of them but they’ll have special guests going forward to bring in …

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