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Tag Archives: Pesma za Evroviziju 22

Serbia: Konstrakta had the song for Eurovision ’22

Serbia has finally found their “Pesma za Evroviziju” (in case you don’t know what that means, it means “song for Eurovision”), after three straight nights with two semi-final, with 18 participants in each semi-final, and a grand final with the 9 best acts from each semi-final. Now after three nights in a row, only one is standing left with the …

Serbia: Last 9 acts qualified in Pesma Za Evroviziju ’22

Serbia continued their search tonight once again, with another 18 acts performing and another 9 qualifying for the final. Now, there isn’t much time left until we finally know who will have the honor of representing Serbia in Tuin. Pesma Za Evroviziju ’22 Just like last night, another 18 acts competed, in order to qualify for the final, which will …

Serbia: First 9 acts qualified in Pesma Za Evroviziju ’22

Finally the Serbian selection has kicked off, and to remind you all, no this was NOT Beovizija, so don’t worry if you believe we’ve been covering or watching the wrong program. The first semi-final of Pesma Za Evroviziju ’22 finally took place, and with that, nine acts are now ready to compete in the final, here less than 2 days …

Serbian broadcaster RTS releases the 36 competing entries for Pesma za Evroviziju 22!

This morning the Eurovision news is bubbling, with both Austria revealing their 2022 artist and San Marino revealing the 10 Big Artists for their national final. But now, all eyes are on Serbia who recently released the 36 entries competing in their new national final Pesma za Evroviziju 22. RTS also revealed the logo for the national selection, which features the …