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Tag Archives: national final

Have a say in picking the 2014 Swiss entry

If you want to be able to have a say in picking the Swiss representative for the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 in Copenhagen, Denmark this is your opportunity. The broadcaster SRF announced that 159 entries have been submitted and are now ready for your votes. Check out allentries at eurovisionplattform.sf.tv. From November 4th to 18th, you have the opportunity to …

Latvia sticks to old formula & announces dates

LTV, the Latvian national broadcaster, has announced that they will be keeping the old Dziesma competition format for their national final selection for 2014. Just like last year, there will be a total of 24 songs selected to compete in the two semi-finals – a setup similar to Eurovision. The six songs with the lowest score (juries in Latvia give the …

Sweden: Melodifestivalen 2014 dates announced

Six different cities will host at least one of the Melodifestivalen 2014 shows. Malmö, Linköping, Gothenburg, Örnsköldsvik, Lidköpingsvägen and Stockholm were all given one of the Semi Final Shows (and Final). Melodifestivalen is the Swedish National Final for the Eurovision Song Contest and has become one of the most popular shows with millions of fans from all over the world …

Russia: National Final on New Year’s Eve

Russia announced the first details for their National Final selection process HERE . The Russian broadcaster RTR posted the press release asking singers to apply and become the Russian representative for the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 in Copenhagen, Denmark. Artists interested have two months to send in their application to Project “Kto” (Who). The show will be held on December …

Belgium’s unique National Final approach

Over the past few years, the Belgian National Finals have been rather small and uneventful but that’s about to change. The Flemish broadcaster VRT just announced their plans for the 2014 selection process of the Eurovision Song Contest. Eurosong 2014 will give anyone in Belgium the opportunity to become the next representative. Candidates will have to send in a clip performing …

Cezar wins the Romanian National Final

  In a very close race, Cezar won the Romanian national Final with his song “It’s my life”. It was a nail biter until the very end with the juries and televoting not seeing eye to eye.   [vsw id=”N0mba0g7Esk” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”] Please let us know your thoughts by visiting our Forum HERE Cezar will take part in …

Thoughts of Söngvakeppnin 2013 (Iceland) Semi Final 1

Zach Kerr and Matt Friedrichs are two Chief Editors of ESCUNITED. This review are the opinions and do not reflect the view of ESCUNITED.     Zach: Despite following Eurovision since the 2003 edition in Riga, I have to admit that this is the first year that I’m actually familiarizing myself with the songs before they hit the Eurovision stage.  …

Finland: Two more finalists chosen

Congratulations to Krista Siegfridsi and Arion, both of these acts will move on to the Final Stage of the competition to become the next Finnish representative. This was the second qualification round so while these two are directly qualified, three of the other acts are also still in the running.   Krista Siegfridsi – Marry Me [vsw id=”lV5VOdBX2ns” source=”youtube” width=”300″ …

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