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Tag Archives: Elina Born

Estonia Pick Its First Five ‘Eesti Laul’ Finalists, Elina Nechayeva Sparks Fan Frenzy with Big Fall

Two singers missed tonight’s Eesti Laul due to health concerns, but it was one artist’s on stage stunt that had the audience really talking. Tonight’s semi-final was full of outside the box staging ideas. Andrei Zevakin and Grete began their performance of “Mis nüüd saab” backstage. Through a bit of camera trickery, Stig Rästa simulated floating in zero gravity. And, most …

Estonia: Eesti Laul final planned for March 5th

The final of Eesti Laul 2016, Estonia’s national selection for next year’s Eurovision, is set to take place on March 5th 2016. After a successful year in Vienna, with Elina Born and Stig Rästä finishing 7th for the Baltic nation, ERR are hoping to achieve bigger things in Stockholm. The submission period for the show and for potential writers/artists is …

The 2015 “Expert” Panel – ESTONIA

The ESC United “Expert” Panel is back once again reviewing all Eurovision songs and rank them accordingly. You are probably asking yourself on how we pick our panel and the criteria. We looked at people from all walks of life to bring together a unique group of panelists with a wide range in taste. They all bring different skills and …

The Ranking 2015: Results (Round 5)

Our annual Ranking Game is back. This is where you can vote for your favorite Eurovision songs on a weekly basis. Our readers award points Eurovision Style to their favorite songs. At the end of the week we will tally up the points, post the results and reset the game to keep the ranking current. This week’s Results are in. …

Estonia: Landslide victory for Elina and Stig

The televoting results for Eesti Laul have been released by Estonian national broadcaster ERR, and they make for some very interesting viewing. Elina Born and Stig Rästa, who won the competition on Saturday, crushed the competition in all three rounds. The duet achieved 23,966 televotes in their semi-final, compared to Daniel Levi’s second placed entry which only recieved 3,524. In …