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Tag Archives: Aiste Pilvelyte

LITHUANIA: The Fandom is Nigh – A recap of the first semifinal of Pabandom is naujo!

As many of you know, the Lithuanians are holding the aniversary edition of their national selection Eurovizijos Atranka this year. The 2020 edition, christened “Pabandom is naujo” (“Here we go again!”) for the occasion has completed its Heats Stage and has now moved on to the semifinal. Ten songs, four qualifiers. Here’s a recap of  what happened, in chronological order. …

Let’s predict who qualifies in Lithuania! (using stats)

Maaan, I love Lithuania’s national selection. A lot of people see it as a marathon slugfest that prefers quantity over quality. While that may be true on some occasions it has consistently been among my favourite selections! You may ask yourself “Why?” Well that answer is easy, Lithuania is super tansparent about their results. Today it is time to look …

Lithuania: Paola Hart and Jurgis Brūzga among rumours for Eurovizijos Atranka

[AdSense-B] With a piqued interest in Baltic national selections in recent years, it comes as no surprise to see that Lithuania also produced some fantastic entries in their selection Eurovizijos Atranka last year, and also came up with the goods in Lisbon – Ieva Zasimauskaite proving a worthy representative and finishing 12th in the grand final of the contest. As …