The construction of the stage in Kiev’s International Exhibition Centre in recent weeks has been the dominant source of excitement for us for a while now, and this week the stage was completed! Technical rehearsals have now began on the stage and it’s all starting to come together very nicely…
The stage is largest since Copenhagen’s in 2014 and is situated in similar surroundings with a large empty space made into a makeshift arena for the contest. The Ukrainian broadcaster UA:PBC has released more photos of the stage during its technical run-through, which can be seen below.
The broadcaster has said that the Ukrainian stage blends two unique symbols of the country; the bend of the River Dnieper that flows through Kiev as well as the Ukrainian floral crown symbolic of the country.
We personally think the stage is beautiful, and can’t wait to see it in person!
What do #YOU think of the stage? Have Ukraine and the EBU production team done well in 2017?
April 23, 2017 at 00:16
The stage is worse than 2016 and lacks interesting elements. I also bet that the floor of the stage won’t have the technical abilities that we enjoyed in 2014 and 2016.