Tonight’s 10 qualifying countries took their fates into their own hands … literally.

At the post-show press conference immediately following the announcement of the 10 qualifying semi-final one artists, the exhausted and excited group or performers drew for which half of the Grand Final they will be performing in on Saturday.

Performing in the first half of the Grand Final will be Switzerland, Armenia, Portugal, Norway, Ukraine and The Netherlands. Iceland, Lithuania, Greece, and Moldova will be performing in the second half of the show.

The press conference was a celebratory affair, but it still contained some sprinklings of import. Sigga of the Icelandic trio Systur revealed that she has a transgender son when asked why she has been so vocal in her support of the trans community while in Turin. Maro of Portugal expressed gratitude that she was able to perform during the show, after a member of her delegation had a Covid scare earlier this week. And the members of Kalush Orchestra spoke about the pressure they feel to represent Ukraine at this moment in the country’s history.

What moment from tonight’s press conference stood out to #YOU? Did #YOU enjoy Subwoofer’s slapstick comedy routine? Sound off in the comments below, in our forum, or on social media @ESCUnited

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