Will San marino be present in Stockholm?
Will San marino be present in Stockholm?

In an interview with the national broadcaster of San Marino, Alessandro Capicchioni, the head of delegation for the small state, it was revealed that San Marino had provisionally applied to participate in the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest, but, they are yet to decide if they will fully apply for the Stockholm contest, San Marino “has enrolled but participation is not yet confirmed”.

San Marino, should they participate, will opt for an internal selection due to them not having a TV show which can select an act. They are currently looking at possible scenarios in which could best suit a participation in the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest, should they reach a satisfactory scenario San Marino will participate. Mr Capicchioni stated when talking to the national broadcaster, that he would like all the smaller states to return “It would be nice to get back Monaco, Andorra or, for example. It will not be easy, but I think not impossible. I have the feeling that one of them might perhaps …”

It seems like just a formality, and San Marino will participate and will confirm an official participation as soon as the right team is found.

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