Some of us are probably still trying to cope with the fact that there will be no 2020 contest, due to the current Coronavirus-pandemic. Then there is also some of us, who are currently just remaining positive and looking forward to the 2021 contest.
Roxen Is Back
Speaking of looking forward to the 2021 contest, it has finally been confirmed that Roxen will have another shot at the Eurovision Song Contest. For a long time, she was among the rumored acts that most likely would return in 2021, but the partnership with her record company, Global Records, just wanted to asure the situation.
Originally, Roxen was selected to represent Romania in Rotterdam, after TVR and Global Records signed a deal to promote one of the posible artists that are signed with the records. This was the original plan for 2020, which was a new strategy of Romanian television, after 2 disappointing results in 2018 & 2019, where Romania didn’t qualify to the final.
Since the world and mostly Europe, never really got to see where this deal could’ve lead for Roxen, then it was finally agreed upon the national broadcaster and the records to give it another shot for 2021.
Liana Stanciu, the Head of the Romanian delegation, confirmed this to TVR earlier today. Roxen had been very keen to represent her country at the Eurovision Song Contest, and had at multiple occasions online expressed that she still wished to represent Romania, but that the only missing piece, was that the partnership would continue.
Roxen should’ve originally have sung her song “Alcohol You” in Rotterdam, but unfortunately the EBU decided that songs originally planned to take part in 2020, will not be eligible for the 2021 contest. The Romanian broadcaster and their artist do both remain positive and say, that they’ll look even more forward to the 2021 contest and be as prepared as even possible, since there should be a lot more time to prepare now.
They’ll Return!
At the given moment, more than 10 of the artists that were set to perform in 2020, will return in 2021. At the given moment, it is still very unknown what will happen to most of the artists that were originally selected for 2020, but at this point we have almost 1/3 of them, that will take part in 2021.
Most of the artists that were selected to perform in 2021 so far, are artists that were originally internally selected, such as Victoria from Bulgaria, Blas Cantó from Spain and Hooverphonic from Belgium. The only act so far, that will return in 2021 is Go_A from Ukraine, in which both act and song was selected by the public from a national final. Eden Alene from Israel will also return in 2021, but she was selected differently from a national final, and rumors had it that KAN would go internally from 2021.
Are #YOU happy about Roxen returning in 2021 and do #YOU think she can have a better song than “Alcohol You”? The forum is always happy to hear what #YOU have to say, so check it out HERE or you can also leave your thought with us on our social media pages.
Source(s): TVR.ro (In Romanian)