Lately, quite a few countries have announced who will represent them in Kyiv – most recently, Greece announced they had picked Demy. In December, Austrian broadcaster ORF announced that young and new artist Nathan Trent would sing for the nation that has recently been represented by Zoë, The Makemakes and of course Conchita Wurst. Nathan kindly took the time to answer some questions from ESC United’s Ferdi about his career, his ambitions and of course the adventure that he will experience the next four months.



Ferdi: Thank you Nathan for taking the time to have us interview you. You’re a new face in the international music industry. Could you tell us something about yourself?


Nathan:With pleasure! So, I finished my studies in musical theatre in June 2016 and have been working since then on my music at the same time. I then decided to release my first single “Like It Is” which I wrote and has been produced by the great producer Lenzelot in his studio in Vienna. The offer to participate at the internal selection came two days after the release. So I’ve been working even harder on my music since that moment.


Ferdi: What are your ambitions? Where would you love to see yourself in about 5 years?


Nathan: My dream would be to be able to work as a successful recording artist, being signed to a great music label and go on tour around the world with the songs I write. I’m going to work hard to reach that goal!  😉


Ferdi: So far, you’ve released only one single named “Like it Is”. What message does this song carry for you, if any? What inspired you to write it?


Nathan: I wrote this song only recently and it describes the situation after a breakup I had many years ago. Basically it’s about two people having different perspectives of how things took place. In the song I’m all about clarifying things and making sure that, if the girl tells her friends why everything came to an end, she better tell the truth. I’m making my point clear and refuse to let her turn things against me by blaming me for her decisions.


Ferdi: Can you tease us with some information about your entry for Eurovision? Will you write it yourself, like your previous single? Will you go to Kyiv with a pop song like “Like it Is” or will we see a different style?


Nathan: Unfortunately there’s not much I can give away. Yes, the song has been written by me and an Austrian producer in L.A. We are in the final stages of the song and it’s going to be released in February 😉


Ferdi: Does your song carry a personal meaning for you, or is there anything you want to share with Europe through your song?


Nathan: The song is one of my most personal yet and I hope people will be able to relate to it.


Ferdi: Do you have any impressions of the Eurovision Song Contest? Do you watch it regularly? If yes – what is or are your favorite song(s)?


Nathan: I’ve been watching it for about a decade now, but I started to be interested in it when Germany won back in 2010. I think the Eurovision Song Contest is the most amazing event to reunite Europe once a year on cultural level through music. It also gives new artists an amazing opportunity to present themselves on a platform that offers high quality, diversity and great support.


Euphoria – Loreen, Satellite – Lena Meyer-Landrut, L’essenziale – Marco Mengoni and I’m Alive – Elhaida Dani are my favorite ones from the past years.


Ferdi: You’re going to be competing against singers from 42 other countries. How will you make sure YOU will be the one to beat?


Nathan: All I want for people to see is that I’m an authentic person and musician. I couldn’t be prouder to be able to sing one of my songs and I hope people are going to understand the meaning behind it.


Ferdi: Is there anything else you’d like to say to our readers?


Nathan:To all the ESC United readers! I wish you all the best of luck for the upcoming year! Be safe and let music always be an important part of your life. Dream big, work hard and keep pursuing your goals! Everything is possible!


All the best, Nathan.


An enormous “Thank You!” and the best of luck in May, Nathan!


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