Having trouble figuring out how to rank all 37 of this year’s Eurovision Song Contest entries? Look no further: Mr. Gerbear’s Eurovision 2014 Sorting Tool will do the trick!
A bunch of people remembered my 2013 sorting tool and asked me to create an updated version for this year’s edition of Eurovision. The concept is simple: the script pits each song against every other song in order to create a ranked list of your favorites. The songs you like the most rise to the top; the songs you don’t fall to the bottom. As long as you use the “No Opinion” or “I Like Both” buttons only when necessary, your list will be accurate and with few ties.
Hopefully this proves as useful to you as it has to all the awesome Eurovision fans who’ve given me feedback! Future editions could hopefully have an easier way to share your result, but this is good enough for personal use right now.
Share your results with a screenshot or copy-paste on the ESC United forums, right in this thread, or in the comments below. Please feel free to leave feedback on what you want to see for future editions, and I’ll learn how to implement the suggestions.