
The representative of Hungary in the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest, Boggie, will soon begin her tour of Europe. The winner of A Dal 2015 has already begun her tour in her homeland, but in two weeks she will leave Hungary and set off for other European countries to promote her album “All is one is all”.

On the 7th of October Boggie will begin her tour in Lille, France and will travel to a few European countries and conclude her travels in Marseille, France on the 15th of October. The Full tour list:

7th October – Le Bipan, Lille, France
8th October – Cellule 133a, Brussels, Belgium
9th October – Sunset-Sunside, Paris, France
11th October – Sala BBK, Bilbao, Spain
12th October – Teatro Alfil, Madrid, Spain
15th October – Le Poste a Galene, Marseille, France

Boggie ended 20th in the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest Final in Vienna with her song “War is for Nothing”

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