Our annual Ranking Game is back. This is where you can vote for your favorite Eurovision songs on a weekly basis.

Our readers award points Eurovision Style to their favorite songs. At the end of the week we will tally up the points, post the results and reset the game to keep the ranking current.

The Results are in. This is how our readers have voted.


Full Scoreboard: HERE

Barei is slaying the ranking, at least this week. Spain jumps to the top of our ranking and has a significant lead over Ira Losco, who was your favorite for several weeks. But 37 countries are still waiting to join our Ranking Games so only time will tell if Barei can hold on to the lead. And Enada Tarifa has been quietly creeping up to Malta and almost passed them. We expect a revised version of the song soon and maybe that will push it past Ira. The Bottom hasn’t changed with Belgium and Belarus not receiving too much love.

You can also the results from last week HERE.


Now we’re doing our weekly reset which means you’ll get to vote again. No new songs this week but things can still change. Do you have a grower or did a song start to rub off on you? Please use the Eurovision point system (12, 10, 8 etc). There are also a bunch of songs joining this week.

1. Click HERE and post your votes (you need to be logged in)

2. Send a Message with your votes HERE (you need to be logged in)


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