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Your plans for final night


Super Moderator
Staff member
April 12, 2014
Berlin, Germany
What are you doing to commemorate the Grand Final??

I've organised a 'bring a board' night (basically bring snacks/food/drink from a country of your choice that's competing this year) with some friends and we're gonna play Eurovision bingo throughout the show.

For my bring a board I've been given :it: so I'm making pizza's from scratch and a tiramisu, as well as bringing a bottle of limoncello for shots!


Well-known member
December 27, 2014
I will have my American and German friends over and we'll eat pizza, drink beer and watch the show. My American friend doesn't know any of the songs but my German friend knows them all.


Well-known member
March 28, 2023
My partner will bring his screen so we don't have to watch it on a laptop, and we'll make a bunch of different snacks and some party games (bingo card, quizzes, etc.) and have a super cozy ESC date night.


February 26, 2016
Not sure yet. Probably a (remote) watch party with my family. Means, we‘re connected via WhatsApp and/or video call and watching the show together, commenting and eating our foods.

I usually have sweets and bread and cheese and grapes with country flags on them, some soft drinks (some with alcohol).

My husband might join but he‘s not much interested in Eurovision so if he bothers me with his unnecessary comments we have this rule I am allowed to kick him out of the room. Chances are it will happen. :LOL:

I used to throw ESC parties at our house in the past - there is a small chance I‘ll do this instead but my friends aren’t that interested in ESC anymore, sadly.


Well-known member
March 8, 2023
So the plan is either:
I'm away for the day on Saturday (a show I annoyingly booked on impulse in the afternoon without realising that could be grand final night) and if I can, I'm gonna get a hotel room, snacks, and my Eurovision t-shirt and watch it in there, all by myself :LOL:

If I can't get it, I'll rush home (My train will get in 5 mins before the GF!), and watch it there, probably doing the same!

Would love to go to a Eurovision party or something but I don't know anyone who would watch family aren't on the whole bothered by it which is annoying :cautious:

Betwixt Tales

Well-known member
March 27, 2021
I'll be joined by a nephew or two (11 & 14), depending on whether the oldest wants to come or not, for a weekend stay like last year.

We'll talk about what's for dinner the week before.
I'll decorate the living room with my homemade flags, and I'm working on a combined voting/score sheet & bingo card we can print out. (I'm still adjusting the bingo card because I want the boys to have the joy of getting a full board, and I obviously don't know who will be on the voting sheet yet.)
I'm thinking of letting them buy pieces of their favorite candies at the candy store - one for each bingo square - as a kind of prize every time they get to cross one off, as I won't be having one big prize for whoever gets them all first.

Other than that it'll be candy, chocolate, chips, popcorn, and soda - maybe we can mix together a kids-friendly drink too, and just cozy up on the couch with our phones at the ready. :)


January 26, 2019
Prague, Czech Republic
We had 2 friends over for a party in 2021 and 3 in 2022, this year it looks like there will be 5 people coming!

In order to get the whole of Czechia to finally love Eurovision in my lifetime, I suppose I'd need an exponential growth. But Fibonacci still isn't too bad! We might have to book a dedicated pub in a few years :D
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