There's a few things I wanna say. Hosting WLSC makes voting really hard, because it seems like many of you were really on board with the Balearica Island club theme this time. And I'm very grateful for that.

The quality of these entries was incredible, my

last edition (Lady Gaga) would not have gotten points from me this time.

It's really a shame I could only give

to one of these, and apart from Moisantia, every single entry in my top 10 deserved more points than I was allowed to give. And a couple that just missed out deserved something too.
Thanks for every single point to

. Congrats to Moisantia on reaching 300 WLSC points from

, and (in the same edition) thanks to Moisantia for giving

300 points.

I've given you one (ONE) more point than you have given me in the 47 WLSC edition we've been in together. It can't get much closer than that.

Also, we've got a well balanced relationships with Lo'Paia as well: 152 given points, 153 received points. Thanks again to Emsfrynt for that lovely

, and becoming the 5th nation to give

100 points.
Apologies for not making proper banners. I tried to make up for it by doing the results entirely manually, instead of going the easier way with Melbourne, like I initially planned. Hope I didn't mess up anything.

@Rmetr0 for being here during the results, I wish I could have given you more than just that one point, but the competition was simply too hard. Did manage to squeeze you into my top 10 tho.
The picture used in the show was taken by me on a Monday Bar cruise in January 2020, during a set by Liquid Soul.
Hope you all enjoyed your stay on Balearica Island!