Uff, that's a tough one. My opinion might change after I've listened to the songs multiple times (You know it'll happen, I can already see one annoying me pretty easily, but alas...)
6- Spain
Well, she has a nice voice and all but it's just not my cup of tea.
5- Italy
It's ok, but after her live performance in the German NF I was a little disappointed.
4- UK
Above average and definitely better than last year's effort but I think it's very overrated. I can see the appeal but it's still not one of my favorites this year.
3- Germany
Also above average. I'm partial to an accordion so I already liked it during the wildcard selection. After a few times listening I can see this growing on me to become one of my favs. But right now solid middle.
2- Denmark
This is nice but I can see it getting old very, very! quickly. Right now this happy-go-lucky, "Bruno Mars-y" song is nice and I think it'll do well in May but I know after a while I will hate it with a passion. Strange, I know but until now it's my number two prequalified entry.
1- France
Love it!
Since I have a thing for facial hair, how can I not worship a song entitled 'Moustache'? In my top 5 this year.
I hope it'll do well but in the end, my favorites never win or end up where I want them to be.
Edit! Just after six days, it changed. And to my surprise, not only Denmark has dropped significantly, but the UK as well. Whereas the later remains in the middle, I can't stand the host entry any more. (I know my own taste so well...) And Italy climbed to my great surprise. I just hope the live performance will be better in May.
Right now: