Montenegro at this moment is my biggest grower, going from 7 points initially with me to 12 after the fantastic revamp. I can't stop listening to it. Similarly Czechia has also risen after its revamp. Twas the power of that delicious dance break.
I don't like the concept of guilty pleasures. I think music should just be enjoyed without any embarrassment. Then came Kant. I want to hate this entry but I just.. kant. It's too much of a glorious hot mess and is genuinely incredibly catchy. It's constantly in my head. Miriana seems a sweetheart too which draws me even more to it.
Lithuania I still respect. I just perhaps overmarked them because of the genre. I've pretty much had zero urge to go back and listen to their song or watch the performance. Every time I do force myself back, I'm like "yeah, this is cool" and then don't think about it again for days.
With Spain.. well, that devamp. Sheesh. Esa Diva was already fading with me a bit as new songs came out which I liked much more but that was the final nail. I'm sure I'll still enjoy the ESC performance but a lot of the fun is now gone from the studio version.