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2004-2007 vs. split semifinal system


January 29, 2017
Loin d'ici
The system with two semifinals is much better than the system that was in place before, because the Top 10 from each were automatically qualified for next year, while only 10 out of roundabout 25 semifinalists went to the GF. Leaving many great songs behind. So how would/should the current system have played out back then.


Prequalified countries

:be: 22nd --> NQ: Estonia SF 11th in
:no: 24th --> NQ: Israel SF 11th in
:at: 21st --> probably NQ: Finland 14th in
:pl: 17th ---> one of Poland, Iceland, Romania out for Portugal 15thin
:is: 19th
:ro: 18th
:ie: 22nd --> NQ: Denmark 13th in

Most countries sucked except for the amazing Lena Ph.

Unfortunately, the Semifinal losers were not that great either.


Prequalified countries:

:tr: 13th
:cy: 18th --> NQ: Slovenia SF 12th in
:se: 19th --> NQ: Poland SF 11th in
:al: 16th --> maybe NQ: Belarus SF 13th in, with juries: Netherlands
:ba: 14th
:ru: 15th

The pre-Qs did much better, most the semifinal losers wouldnt have affected the scoreboard much. :mk: only finished 17th in the Final, so that would be my watermark.



:mt: 24th NQ --> Poland SF 11th in
:il: 23rd NQ ---> Belgium SF 12th in
:lv: 16th
:md: 20th NQ ---> Iceland SF 13th
:ch: 16th
:no: 14th
:dk: 18th

Latvia, Switzerland, Denmark vs. Albania, Cyprus, Slovenia, too close to call
So many iconic misses.



:se: 17th NQ --> Iceland, Poland or Cyprus SF 13th to 15th
:lt: 21st NQ --> Andorra SF 12th
:ie: 24th NQ --> Portugal SF 11th in

This final missed an upgrade with Portugal, Cyprus and Andorra.
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