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  1. Estonia ESTONIA 2025 - Tommy Cash - Espresso macchiato

    It's one of the few songs so far that's gotten some viral attention outside the bubble. That's not a guarantee for great ESC results, but it seems there's some kind of an audience at least. :LOL: I'm guessing it could appeal to casual (possibly drunk) ESC watchers who like silly catchy stuff...
  2. Estonia ESTONIA 2025 - Tommy Cash - Espresso macchiato

    Fans are speculating mostly about two things: Italy complaining about offensive stereotypes, and the F EBU line in the Joost collab. But there's zero real evidence a disqualification is actually being considered by EBU. Just speculation by imaginative fans and a lot of wishful thinking. :LOL: So...
  3. Estonia ESTONIA 2025 - Tommy Cash - Espresso macchiato

    I'm not entirely sure I read "we want peace with pu*in" out of that one line. :unsure: Someone can want to go to Moscow while realizing it's not going to happen while that genocidal fu*ker and his cronies are still in power. But I guess we'd have to ask Joost (or whoever wrote the lyrics, going...
  4. Estonia ESTONIA 2025 - Tommy Cash - Espresso macchiato

    Pretty sure the "ERR unfollowed him" thing was just made up. :unsure: Apparently the person who said that later admitted they never even knew if ERR was following him in the first place, they just assumed. :LOL: And his performance video is still up on the ERR website, so it's not likely there's...
  5. Estonia ESTONIA 2025 - Tommy Cash - Espresso macchiato

    Any actual proof for that? :unsure: Cause if not, you can say that about any entry. :LOL: Clearly the only reason Finland is second in the odds is because they keep betting on themselves! How do I know that? Well, I really don't, but I'll say it with confidence anyway. :giggle: I don't think...
  6. Poland POLAND 2025 - Justyna Steczkowska - Gaja

    I guess they saw the voting numbers were starting to take a nosedive and figured "uh oh, maybe we should do something about this... " :LOL: It's all well and good in theory to ask more and more every year and rake in the big bucks, but what good will it do you if all the votes dry up as a...
  7. Poland POLAND 2025 - Justyna Steczkowska - Gaja

    Well, 5 PLN is apparently 1.20€, our voting last year was 1.40€ (they actually lowered it). :unsure: So we still have it worse, but not by much. :LOL: Unless they've raised EL voting prices again, no news about that yet. Definitely have some envy for those lucky folk who only have to pay 20...
  8. Estonia ESTONIA 2025 - Tommy Cash - Espresso macchiato

    Running order for the final! :giggle: 1. Ant "Tomorrow Never Comes" 2. Stereo Terror "Prty Till the End of the World" 3. Janek "Frozen" 4. Räpina Jack feat. Kaisa Ling "Tule" 5. Johanna Elise "Eyes Don't Lie" 6. Felin "Solo Anthem" 7. Elysa "The Last to Know" 8. gem98 "Psycho" 9. An-Marlen...
  9. Estonia ESTONIA 2025 - Tommy Cash - Espresso macchiato

    Also very curious about his staging plans. :LOL: He's not lacking ideas in his videos, but it's a whole different kettle of fish to translate that to a live show. Also, since he's said before that hardest work would start after he won EL, I'd not be surprised if his EL performance won't be what...
  10. Estonia ESTONIA 2025 - Tommy Cash - Espresso macchiato

    That would be the shock result to end all shock results! :LOL: But I think the chance of that happening is about 0.01%, sorry to all Tuuli Rand fans. Wonder if she'll be able to pull off the live vocals, her past performances have been somewhat average and this year's song requires some good...
  11. Estonia ESTONIA 2025 - Tommy Cash - Espresso macchiato

    Most would hopefully take it in good humor and understand it's a silly little fun song, whether they vote for it or not. :giggle: But I suspect there'd be at least a few minor scandals and and angry individuals, complaining about offensive stereotyping and insulting broken lyrics and whatnot...
  12. Estonia ESTONIA 2025 - Tommy Cash - Espresso macchiato

    I think this might be in the wrong topic, pretty sure Monster is over in the Latvian selection. :giggle: In other news, first odds are out. Going to wait for some local betting sites to open tho', they probably have more reliable data. Based on these first ones, I'd say Johanna Elise (what's...
  13. Estonia ESTONIA 2025 - Tommy Cash - Espresso macchiato

    Yes, it didn't make jury top 15 but is taking part in the wildcard round where another 20 songs can be voted on until 5th of January. :giggle: The winner will join the already selected 15.
  14. Estonia ESTONIA 2025 - Tommy Cash - Espresso macchiato

    I guess that makes the most sense. :LOL: But I still doubt it has any real effect in the end, even if they achieve their goal and get mentioned in some random article or offhand comment. Most people won't vote for them just because they're apparently some kind of favorite unless their song...
  15. Estonia ESTONIA 2025 - Tommy Cash - Espresso macchiato

    Noticed that too some time ago. :LOL: Another thing I don't really get the point of, whether it's some local NF act or Eurovision artist directing their fans to spam some wiwi poll. It's not like winning a random fan poll is going to make a lick of difference come actual competition time...
  16. Estonia ESTONIA 2025 - Tommy Cash - Espresso macchiato

    I've seen both Räpina Jack and Janek pop up as Youtube ads quite a few times. :LOL: But I don't hold it against them I guess, if they want to spend their money in this (probably pointless) manner. At least it makes more sense than outright buying views/likes, never gotten the point of that...
  17. Estonia ESTONIA 2025 - Tommy Cash - Espresso macchiato

    You never know for sure with EL juries, they're often unpredictable. :LOL: If people at ERR don't want to kill the likely public favorite and go for more fun-loving, Eurovision-oriented jury members, I could see Tommy doing pretty well with them (presuming his live and staging aren't a total...
  18. Estonia ESTONIA 2025 - Tommy Cash - Espresso macchiato

    Yeah, just saw some Youtube comments somewhere about how strong this year's EL is. :LOL: IMO it's clearly not the strongest, but I think we've had worse years. For the sake of a good show, it's always lovely to have a strong lineup with overall high level of songs. :giggle: Tho' with taste being...
  19. Estonia ESTONIA 2025 - Tommy Cash - Espresso macchiato

    I found Portugal 2017 really boring, but loads of other people clearly didn't. :LOL: Not that I expect Tommy to get 376 televote points should he get to Eurovision (as awesome as that would be). :D But I don't think we're going to find out the 'truth' one way or another, not until February (or...
  20. Estonia ESTONIA 2025 - Tommy Cash - Espresso macchiato

    Eh, taste will always be subjective anyway. :giggle: Every single song in the world will have some people who like it and some who hate it and some who find it boring. Same with Tommy, some think it's funny and catchy, some find it annoying and lame, some just think it's bland. Question will be...
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