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  • They are on upload! xcheer It will be the same album (and password) I already shared with you! xcheer
    Just to inform you. I have made 22/22 half done scoreboards. And 7/22 completely done scoreboards. I go to write a bit of master thesis. And I continue to work for about 100 minutes. I believe I will be ready before 6:45. :)
    I checked results two times. But please, it is better that you check them too. Please send me excell print screen to compare it with last scoreboard :D
    After I got her votes, I immidetally send you all set of votes! It is EXTREMELY difficult situation in top and we need to do double check! So you need to prepare excell table and add all votes in! :) And we compare last scoreboard and your table! :D
    Hey :)

    I hope to hear from you. Deadline is tomorrow and I only have 3 set of votes. I know Amir voted as well. Please, provide me all votes you have that I can make as much as possible scoreboards before and that I send reminders to people that did not vote.

    Because - ddl is tomorrow.
    Hope to hear from you...
    Hey :)

    It makes me a bit complicated to chaning whole concept of scoreboard so I think it is ok to keep with one I showed you that looks nice.
    Today I start to making scoreborads of all set of votes I have! So far I have Svealand, Denmark and Ukraine. :) And when more people vote, I will distribuate scoreboards to make interesting voting but for now, I do what I have! :)
    If you have some other votes please send me. :)

    On this way, results show can be hosted without minimum problem at 22nd! :D
    It is really doesn't work with city picture...too much...everything :( I try a bit more...
    I have 3 set of votes so far :)
    Recap is here in 5 minutes! xhceer I do not remember when I was doing longer recap! Maybe it will not be noticable through quality of some clips, but it wasn't easy to find good quality for all of them!

    Tonight I make scoreboard design and then we start to make scoreboards! xcheer

    It all will be in same design! :D
    Great! :D I think it can be upload until then! Try to do it immediately even I was just writing my master thesis and get "into it" :mrgreen:
    I still have to balance volume in recap! I hope to finalize it before live listening! When will be last song?
    Also, Simon87 changed Horsens to Jutland just to simple it. Jutland is region where Horsens (city) is located. Horsens doesn't have flag, Jutlad does. :) So, that's just small change.
    Stream started to work and I know how to download it but there is only final and song was eliminated in semifinal and it is not in! :(
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