Alright, so there's not much to say here. A low effort, low talent entry that just to tries to be lively and make fun of itself. Very similar to some Eurodance entries in recent selections, like Latvia's "VB Gang". I won't even call them "Eurodance parody" because the genre was a self-parody in the first place.
Vocals are... unremarkable to be kind, and the staging is consciously amateurish, like something put together for a college student or small company party. If they bring this to the ESC as it is, it's almost a sure NQ, considering better performances in a similar genre have failed, but if they really up the budget and train on the choreography, who knows?
Surely not one of my favorites, though they get cred for using their own language, but next to other "joke" entries we already have in this year, this falls flat.