With the dust slowly settles over the Eurovision Song Contest 2021, Finland don’t want to waste any time and already released the rules for their national final. Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu will be used again in 2022 to find the best new Finnish song and performer. The winner of the competition will represent Finland in the 2022 Eurovision Song Contest.
Interested in representing Finland? You can find the rules in English over here. Some important criteria to keep in mind:
- You can only enter the competition with a unpublished song
- The demo must be sent to Yle between 1st and the 6th of September 2021.
- Lead singer(s) may participate with a maximum of 3 songs, with only 1 that can continue in the competition. Band members/composers/song writers can participate with several songs.
- The singer of band on the demo must be the final performer of the song.
- The demo may not be sent to other countries national finals.
- At least one songwriter and one lead singer must have a Finnish citizenship or a permanent residence in Finland
Instructions for uploading the material can be found on the 1st of September at yle.fi/umk. After the submissions closed, an expert panel appointed by Yle will select the contestants that will participate at UMK (performer + song) from all the songs submitted to the competition. The winner of UMK will be chosen in February 2022 and will be decided by a combined audience and jury vote result
Blind Channel represented Finland this year with their song “Dark Side” The song finished in 6th place in the Grand Final with a total of 301 points.
Who do #YOU want to represent Finland at the Eurovision Song Contest 2022? Share your thoughts with us on our forum HERE or join the discussion below in the comments and on social media!
Photo: Miikka Varila www.warila.fi/Yle